



联络人:苏 玉 燕 副总经理
skype: rachelsu8
wechat: r0928486835
电话:+886-2-2717-0515 分机:104

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What are the categories of cosmetics in Vietnam? What is its official name?
What is the intensity of management of different categories? What is the governmental authority of cosmetics? Website?

Evershine RD:

在越南,化妆品是由越南卫生部 (MOH)辖下的越南卫生部药品管理局(DAV)监管,DAV负责接受、处理申请并对已上市产品进行上市后监督。越南化妆品法规遵循东盟化妆品指令,所有化妆品都需要註册才能在越南任何地方进口、分销和销售。

东盟定义化妆品是任何旨在与人体外部或牙齿和口腔粘膜接触的物质或製剂,用以清洁、添香、改变外观和/或改善体臭和/或保护或维持 人体的健康状况。

In Vietnam, cosmetics are regulated by the Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health (DAV) under the Ministry of Health of Vietnam (MOH), which is responsible for receiving, processing applications and conducting post-market surveillance of marketed products. Vietnam Cosmetics Regulations follow the ASEAN Cosmetics Directive, and all cosmetic products need to be registered to be imported, distributed and sold anywhere in Vietnam.

ASEAN defines cosmetics as any substance or preparation intended to come into contact with the outside of the human body or the mucous membranes of the teeth and oral cavity to cleanse, fragrance, change the appearance and/or correct body odor and/or protect or maintain the health of the human body.





If a foreign company wants to sell cosmetics in Vietnam, no matter if it sets up a 100% subsidiary or branch, does it need to obtain an approval from local health bureau before the company’s registration? If so, what are the requests? What are the required documents and application procedures? Website?

Evershine RD:


No business license is required.




Evershine RD:


外国公司要到越南销售化妆品,可以指派越南公司担任营业代理人销售吗? 担任营业代理人,其必要条件是什麽?所需文件及申请程序为何?外国公司与营业代理人的产品责任为何?网页?

If a foreign company wants to sell cosmetics in Vietnam, can it assign a Vietnam company to act as a business agent? What are the requests for acting as a business agent? What are the required documents and application procedures? What is the product liability of foreign companies and the business agents? Website?

Evershine RD:

可以,销售之化妆品须以越南当地公司名义申请化妆品收据编号 (产品许可证)。











2. 通过电话、传真、电子邮件或书面形式尽快通知管理局致命或危及生命的严重不良事件,最晚不迟于获知后的 7 个日曆日。

3. 产品不良反应报告(按规定格式)必须在第2点所述严重副作用通知主管​​部门之日起 8 个工作日内完成,并提供主管部门要求的任何资料。

4. 立即通知主管当局产品的任何严重但不危及生命或致命的副作用。

5. 使用化妆品不良事件报告表尽快向当局报告所有其他非致命或危及生命的严重不良事件,不迟于知道后的 15 个日曆日。


Yes. Cosmetics must be sold with a cosmetic receipt number (product license), and registered in the name of a local company in Vietnam

In the authorization letter from the manufacturer or product owner authorizing the company responsible for introducing the product to the market or distributing cosmetics in Vietnam, for imported products, the authorization letter must be a notarized copy and be consularly authenticated as a legal requirement, but International treaties to which Vietnam is a party are exempt from consular authentication. The presentation language must be Vietnamese/English or bilingual Vietnamese and English, and must have sufficient of the following:

.Producer’s name and address

.The name and address of the authorized company

.Authorization scope

.Label or name of authorized product

.Authorization Term

.Product Information File (PIF)

.Name, title and signature of the principal’s representative

Cosmetics receipt number holders must comply with

1. Ensure that the technical and safety information of the product is readily available to the relevant regulatory agencies, and keep product distribution records for product recalls.

2. Notify the Authority of a fatal or life-threatening serious adverse event by telephone, fax, e-mail, or in writing as soon as possible, but no later than 7 calendar days after becoming known.

3. The product adverse reaction report (in the prescribed format) must be completed within 8 working days from the date of notification of the serious side effect mentioned in point 2 to the competent authority, and provide any information requested by the competent authority.

4. Immediately notify the competent authorities of any serious but not life-threatening or fatal side effects of the product.

5. Report all other non-fatal or life-threatening serious adverse events to the authorities as soon as possible using the Cosmetic Adverse Event Reporting Form, but no later than 15 calendar days after they become known.

6. It is the responsibility to ensure that the product information is correct and true, the responsibility to ensure that each batch of products meets all legal requirements, and to declare all the standards and specifications of the product to the authorities.





Do foreign companies need to apply for an approval before importing cosmetics sold to Vietnam? If yes, which authority is in charge? What documents are required? What is the application process? Do cosmetics packaging and labeling require prior approval?
Which languages ​​are allowed? Website?

Evershine RD:



1. 负责将化妆品推向市场的当地公司,通过国家单一窗口网页向越南药监局(DAV)提交申请。(每件化妆品需要单独申请)

2. 自收到化妆品申报资料之日起1个工作日内DAV将接收资料。


.DAV在收到有效的申请资料和规定的费用起3 个工作日内签发化妆品收据编号。




.发送需修改和补充资料的书面通知日起 3 个月内,如DAV未收到补充文件,则该申请将予以公佈不再有效。如果公司想要继续申请,他们必须提交新的申请并按规定支付新的费用/费用。




.自由销售证书 (CFS)







.产品介绍:单品/多种颜色/产品类型中的颜色表/ 单个套件中的组合产品/其他形式(请註明)





.完整的成分清单(完整的 100% 百分比,国际化妆品成分命名法)


5. 製造商或产品所有者授权负责将产品推向市场的公司或在越南分销化妆品的授权书当中,对于进口产品,授权书必须是经过公证的複印件,并作为法律规定进行领事认证,但越南加入的国际条约可免于领事认证。








6. 自由销售证书(CFS)


.如果 CFS 未提供到期日,则必须是24 个月内签发的证书。


7. 产品信息文件(PIF)

.第 1 部分:行政文件和产品摘要

.第 2 部分:成分质量

.第 3 部分:产品质量

.第 4 部分:安全性和有效性

.当局检查时需要提交 PIF,尤其是第 1 部分文件。 PIF 的其他部分最多可在 2 个月内提交。

8.费用:500,000 越南盾(每件)















9.必须以 DD/MM/YYYY 或 MM/YYYY 的格式清楚准确地说明生产日期或到期日期。如有必要,可包含有关产品稳定性的说明。




Yes. Cosmetics receipt numbers must be registered in the name of a local company in Vietnam.


1. The local company responsible for bringing cosmetics to the market submits the application to the Vietnam Drug Administration (DAV) through the National Single Window webpage. (Each cosmetic needs to be applied separately)

2. DAV will receive the information within 1 working day from the date of receipt of the cosmetic application information.

3. Processing cosmetic application materials:

.DAV will issue a cosmetic receipt number within 3 working days of receipt of valid application materials and the stated fee.

.If the application materials do not meet the requirements, DAV shall electronically notify the applicant agency to revise and supplement the unqualified contents within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

.Amendments and supplements to cosmetic application forms and/or other documents should be returned within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the requested supplementary documents.

.If the amended and supplemented dossier does not meet the requirements, DAV will notify in writing within 5 working days of receipt of the supplementary dossier that it does not agree to issue the cosmetic receipt number.

.If DAV does not receive the supplementary documents within 3 months from the date of sending the written notice of the amendments and supplementary materials, the application will be published and no longer valid. If a company wants to proceed with the application, they must submit a new application and pay the new fees/fees as required.

3. Submission of documents

.Cosmetic Declaration

.A letter of authorization from the manufacturer or product owner to authorize the company responsible for bringing the product to the market or to distribute cosmetics in Vietnam

.Certificate of Free Sale (CFS)

.Cosmetics Application Form

.Products comply with ASEAN Good Manufacturing Practice for Cosmetics or its equivalent

4. Contents of the cosmetic application form

.Product Details: List of brands, product names, shapes or colors

.Product type

.Expected usage

.Product introduction: single product/multiple colors/color chart in product type/combination product in single kit/other forms (please specify)

.Manufacturer/packer information (please include list if multiple): company name, type (primary/secondary), country, address, telephone, fax

.Manufacturer/assembler details (please include list if multiple): country, address, phone, fax

.Details of the local company responsible for placing the cosmetic product on the market: company name, address, telephone, fax, business license number, business registration number, person-in-charge details

.Importer details: company name, address, phone number, fax

.Complete list of ingredients (full 100% percentage, International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredient)


5. In the authorization letter from the manufacturer or product owner authorizing the company responsible for introducing the product to the market or distributing cosmetics in Vietnam, for imported products, the authorization letter must be a notarized copy and be consularly authenticated as a legal requirement, but International treaties to which Vietnam is a party are exempt from consular authentication. The presentation language must be Vietnamese/English or bilingual Vietnamese and English, and must have sufficient of the following:

.Producer’s name and address

.The name and address of the authorized company

.Authorization scope

.Label or name of authorized product

.Authorization Term

.Product Information File (PIF)

.Name, title and signature of the principal’s representative

6. Certificate of Free Sale (CFS)

.The CFS issued in the current region must be original or legally notarized and still valid.

.If no expiry date is provided by CFS, it must be a certificate issued within 24 months.

.CFS must be consular legalized in accordance with the law, with the exception of consular legalization exemptions provided for by international treaties to which Vietnam is a party.

7. Product Information Document (PIF)


.Part 2: Ingredient Quality

.Part 3: Product Quality

.Part 4: Safety and Effectiveness

.PIFs, especially Part 1 documents, are required for inspection by the authorities. The rest of the PIF can be submitted within a maximum of 2 months.

8. Fee: VND 500,000 (per piece)

9. Requirements and conditions for the execution of administrative procedures (if any)

.The company responsible for placing the product in the market must have the function of trading cosmetics in Vietnam.

.Cosmetic property declarations (the intended use of the product) must comply with the ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Property Declarations.

10. Validity period: Announcement card is valid for 5 years from the date of issuance


According to the ASEAN Cosmetics Directive, the information that must be included on the packaging label of every cosmetic sold in Vietnam should include:

1. The name and function of the product, unless the presentation of the product already clearly shows the function of the product.

2. Directions for use.

3. All ingredients of the product formula must be clearly stated in accordance with the latest international nomenclature.

4. The country of origin of the manufactured product.

5. Weight and volume in English or SI units.

6. The name and description of the company responsible for the distribution and sale of the product. It should be stated in Vietnamese according to the business registration certificate.

7. Additional information on the label can be written in English or Vietnamese.

8. Production batch number.

9. The date of manufacture or expiry date must be clearly and accurately stated in the format DD/MM/YYYY or MM/YYYY. If necessary, instructions on product stability may be included.

10. For products with a shelf life of less than 30 months, the expiration date is mandatory and must be printed on the label.

11. Use safety warning statements.

12. All labels must be clearly printed on the package so that it is easily visible to consumers. Information must not be shielded or separated from the packaging of the cosmetic.







Can a foreign company apply for a product license by its own name? If yes, which authority is in charge? What documents are required? What is the application process?
Do cosmetics packaging and labeling require prior approval? Which languages ​​are allowed? Website?

Evershine RD:



1. 负责将化妆品推向市场的当地公司,通过国家单一窗口网页向越南药监局(DAV)提交申请。(每件化妆品需要单独申请)

2. 自收到化妆品申报资料之日起1个工作日内DAV将接收资料。


.DAV在收到有效的申请资料和规定的费用起3 个工作日内签发化妆品收据编号。




.发送需修改和补充资料的书面通知日起 3 个月内,如DAV未收到补充文件,则该申请将予以公佈不再有效。如果公司想要继续申请,他们必须提交新的申请并按规定支付新的费用/费用。




.自由销售证书 (CFS)







.产品介绍:单品/多种颜色/产品类型中的颜色表/ 单个套件中的组合产品/其他形式(请註明)





.完整的成分清单(完整的 100% 百分比,国际化妆品成分命名法)


5. 製造商或产品所有者授权负责将产品推向市场的公司或在越南分销化妆品的授权书当中,对于进口产品,授权书必须是经过公证的複印件,并作为法律规定进行领事认证,但越南加入的国际条约可免于领事认证。








6. 自由销售证书(CFS)


.如果 CFS 未提供到期日,则必须是24 个月内签发的证书。


7. 产品信息文件(PIF)

.第 1 部分:行政文件和产品摘要

.第 2 部分:成分质量

.第 3 部分:产品质量

.第 4 部分:安全性和有效性

.当局检查时需要提交 PIF,尤其是第 1 部分文件。 PIF 的其他部分最多可在 2 个月内提交。

8.费用:500,000 越南盾(每件)















9.必须以 DD/MM/YYYY 或 MM/YYYY 的格式清楚准确地说明生产日期或到期日期。如有必要,可包含有关产品稳定性的说明。




Cosmetics receipt numbers must be registered in the name of a local company in Vietnam.


1. The local company responsible for bringing cosmetics to the market submits the application to the Vietnam Drug Administration (DAV) through the National Single Window webpage. (Each cosmetic needs to be applied separately)

2. DAV will receive the information within 1 working day from the date of receipt of the cosmetic application information.

3. Processing cosmetic application materials:

.DAV will issue a cosmetic receipt number within 3 working days of receipt of valid application materials and the stated fee.

.If the application materials do not meet the requirements, DAV shall electronically notify the applicant agency to revise and supplement the unqualified contents within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

.Amendments and supplements to cosmetic application forms and/or other documents should be returned within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the requested supplementary documents.

.If the amended and supplemented dossier does not meet the requirements, DAV will notify in writing within 5 working days of receipt of the supplementary dossier that it does not agree to issue the cosmetic receipt number.

.If DAV does not receive the supplementary documents within 3 months from the date of sending the written notice of the amendments and supplementary materials, the application will be published and no longer valid. If a company wants to proceed with the application, they must submit a new application and pay the new fees/fees as required.

3. Submission of documents

.Cosmetic Declaration

.A letter of authorization from the manufacturer or product owner to authorize the company responsible for bringing the product to the market or to distribute cosmetics in Vietnam

.Certificate of Free Sale (CFS)

.Cosmetics Application Form

.Products comply with ASEAN Good Manufacturing Practice for Cosmetics or its equivalent

4. Contents of the cosmetic application form

.Product Details: List of brands, product names, shapes or colors

.Product type

.Expected usage

.Product introduction: single product/multiple colors/color chart in product type/combination product in single kit/other forms (please specify)

.Manufacturer/packer information (please include list if multiple): company name, type (primary/secondary), country, address, telephone, fax

.Manufacturer/assembler details (please include list if multiple): country, address, phone, fax

.Details of the local company responsible for placing the cosmetic product on the market: company name, address, telephone, fax, business license number, business registration number, person-in-charge details

.Importer details: company name, address, phone number, fax

.Complete list of ingredients (full 100% percentage, International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredient)


5. In the authorization letter from the manufacturer or product owner authorizing the company responsible for introducing the product to the market or distributing cosmetics in Vietnam, for imported products, the authorization letter must be a notarized copy and be consularly authenticated as a legal requirement, but International treaties to which Vietnam is a party are exempt from consular authentication. The presentation language must be Vietnamese/English or bilingual Vietnamese and English, and must have sufficient of the following:

.Producer’s name and address

.The name and address of the authorized company

.Authorization scope

.Label or name of authorized product

.Authorization Term

.Product Information File (PIF)

.Name, title and signature of the principal’s representative

6. Certificate of Free Sale (CFS)

.The CFS issued in the current region must be original or legally notarized and still valid.

.If no expiry date is provided by CFS, it must be a certificate issued within 24 months.

.CFS must be consular legalized in accordance with the law, with the exception of consular legalization exemptions provided for by international treaties to which Vietnam is a party.

7. Product Information Document (PIF)


.Part 2: Ingredient Quality

.Part 3: Product Quality

.Part 4: Safety and Effectiveness

.PIFs, especially Part 1 documents, are required for inspection by the authorities. The rest of the PIF can be submitted within a maximum of 2 months.

8. Fee: VND 500,000 (per piece)

9. Requirements and conditions for the execution of administrative procedures (if any)

.The company responsible for placing the product in the market must have the function of trading cosmetics in Vietnam.

.Cosmetic property declarations (the intended use of the product) must comply with the ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Property Declarations.

10. Validity period: Announcement card is valid for 5 years from the date of issuance


According to the ASEAN Cosmetics Directive, the information that must be included on the packaging label of every cosmetic sold in Vietnam should include:

1. The name and function of the product, unless the presentation of the product already clearly shows the function of the product.

2. Directions for use.

3. All ingredients of the product formula must be clearly stated in accordance with the latest international nomenclature.

4. The country of origin of the manufactured product.

5. Weight and volume in English or SI units.

6. The name and description of the company responsible for the distribution and sale of the product. It should be stated in Vietnamese according to the business registration certificate.

7. Additional information on the label can be written in English or Vietnamese.

8. Production batch number.

9. The date of manufacture or expiry date must be clearly and accurately stated in the format DD/MM/YYYY or MM/YYYY. If necessary, instructions on product stability may be included.

10. For products with a shelf life of less than 30 months, the expiration date is mandatory and must be printed on the label.

11. Use safety warning statements.

12. All labels must be clearly printed on the package so that it is easily visible to consumers. Information must not be shielded or separated from the packaging of the cosmetic.







What documents are required when importing approved cosmetics into Vietnam? What is the procedure?
Any preparation is required to submit to the Ministry of Health and Welfare for selling products? Website?

Evershine RD:



1.所有进口到越南的货物都必须申报并徵税,除非货物符合免税或税收保护的条件。贸易商可通过国家单一窗口或越南自动清关系统 (VNACCS) 提交所需信息、电子报关单。


3. 申报报关提交文件















4. 按规定缴纳税费,接收清关信息。



































After obtaining the receipt number of imported cosmetics, you can import cosmetics to Vietnam according to customs procedures.

Customs process

1. All goods imported into Vietnam must be declared and taxed unless the goods qualify for tax exemption or tax protection. Traders can submit the required information, electronic customs declarations through the National Single Window or the Vietnam Automated Customs Clearance System (VNACCS).

2. Importers are required to submit complete and correct electronic customs declarations and transport documents (such as bills of lading, etc.) through the VNACCS system within 30 days from the date of arrival.

3. Declaration and declaration submission

.Signed declaration form (original)

.Copy of business registration certificate

.Original power of attorney or notarized copy

.Certificate of Free Sale

.Commercial Invoice (copy)

.Sales contract (copy)

.Periodic Bill of Lading or Air Waybill

.List of goods (if any)

.Certificate of Origin (C/O)

.Receipt number for cosmetic

.Packing List

.Value statement (if any)

.Receipts (if any)

.Certificate of Origin (if any)

4. Pay taxes and fees as required and receive customs clearance information.

5. Contents of customs declaration

.Customs Registration and Customs Division

.Submission date and time

.Registration date and time

.Import port customs branch

.Number of declaration attachments

.Exporter, Type

.Commercial invoice

.Permit number



.Bill of Lading (No/Date)

.Port of Loading, Port of Unloading

.Trustee / Settlor


.Export country

.Customs declarer

.Arrival date

.Delivery terms

.Payment method, payment currency, tax rate

.Commodity description, product code, item, quantity, value, etc.

5. Storage

.If the importer does not plan to put the goods into Vietnam for circulation immediately, they can import into Vietnam according to the customs warehouse storage system. Tax protection is implemented when commodities are put into storage, and taxes are collected when commodities are put into circulation.

.Traders need to submit import declaration forms under the bonded warehousing system when they enter the warehouse, and they need to submit formal import declaration forms when goods enter circulation.

.There are various types of warehouses (bonded warehouses, deferred tax warehouses), and the goods brought into the warehouses must be approved by the General Administration of Customs of Vietnam or the Ministry of Finance.

No sales notification, but cosmetic advertisements on any of the following media: radio, TV, internet, newspapers, magazines, posters, events, etc. are regulated by Vietnamese law and must be approved before being displayed to the public.
The content of cosmetic advertisements must be appropriate and not misleading. It complies with the efficacy, safety and quality of the product as stipulated by the ASEAN Cosmetics Directive.

1. The applicant agency: The Drug Administration of Vietnam Ministry of Health (DAV)

2. Registration information

.Registration form: name, function and efficacy of cosmetic, applicant’s name, address, precautions for use, etc.

.Cosmetic receipt number copy (with company stamp of the product)

.A copy of the business registration certificate (with stamp)

.Power of Attorney (all company stamps for the product)

.Ad scenarios with clear descriptions of the music, images and content used

.Captioning material on product features and utility





越南化妆品审核机构,需要附上的实验室检验资料有哪些? 网页?

What are the laboratory inspection materials that need to be attached for verification? Website?

Evershine RD:


1. 行政文件和产品概要



.自由销售证明  CFS(针对进口外国化妆品)






.製造商声明该产品是按照东南亚国家联盟 (CGMP-ASEAN) 的化妆品良好生产规范或同等标准的原则和标准製造的






2. 成分质量

.原材料的质量标准和检测方法,对于香精成分,请註明香精的名称和编号、供应商的名称和地址,并承诺遵守国际香精协会 (IFRA) 的指导方针


3. 产品质量





.产品稳定性总结报告(对于保质期少于 30 个月的产品)、稳定性研究报告和数据或稳定性评估来解释产品的保质期

4. 安全性和有效性
















3. 公司、品牌





.某些不允许的杂质,例如 TEA 纯度必须高于 99%(最大 DEA 含量 0.5%)或可能与其他成分相互作用的杂质,如硝化剂(水中的亚硝酸盐)

5. 审查标准和成分重点







6. 检查产品信息概要 (PIF)注意重点




.乙氧基化材料中的二噁烷含量,例如 SLES

.矿物油/凡士林/石蜡必须符合 COLIPA 蒸馏指南的要求



.与质量相关的因素,如文件管理、GMP 声明、清洁度、生产过程中的卫生



8. 测试地点:卫生部药品管理局(DAV) 列出分销渠道,化妆品上市后检验监管需集中在上游(进口、流通、生产重点单位)可以在以下位置进行检查:







9. 化妆品上市后检验的优先顺序是根据产品类型、产地、品牌、公司品牌和配方成分

The Product Information File (PIF) includes the following:

1. Administrative Documents and Product Summary

.A copy of the cosmetic bulletin with the national competent authority receipt number

.A letter of authorization from the manufacturer or product owner or a product-related agreement

.Certificate of Free Sale CFS (for imported foreign cosmetics)

.Other relevant administrative documents (business license or investment license of the enterprise responsible for bringing products to market)

.All ingredients and percentages in the recipe

.Labeling and Product Information

.User’s Manual (if available)

.Production announcement

.A declaration by the manufacturer that this product is manufactured in accordance with the principles and standards of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (CGMP-ASEAN) Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice or equivalent

.Lot number/product code recording system

.Cosmetic Safety Assessment: Safety Statement (with signed conclusion, assessor name and certificate)

.Summary of whether, if any, harmful effects in humans

.Document (Summary) stating the properties and uses of the cosmetic product

.Reports evaluating product properties and uses based on ingredients and test results

2. Ingredient quality

.Quality standards and testing methods of raw materials, for fragrance ingredients, please indicate the name and number of the fragrance, the name and address of the supplier, and a commitment to comply with the guidelines of the International Fragrance Association (IFRA)

.Material safety data provided by suppliers based on published data or reports from scientific committees (ACSB, SCCP, CIR)

3. Product quality

.Product formula: full name of ingredients and percentage of ingredients in formula according to international nomenclature

.Manufacturer’s details: manufacturer’s country, name and address, packer

.More detailed information on the production process, quality control and related production records should be prepared as required by the governing body

.Finished product standards and test methods: microbial limit test standards, test methods corresponding to quality standards to check the pass level

.Product stability summary reports (for products with a shelf life of less than 30 months), stability study reports and data or stability assessments to explain the product’s shelf life

4. Safety and efficacy

.Safety Assessment: A report (with the assessor’s name and signature) evaluating the safety of the finished product to humans based on the ingredients in the formulation, the chemical structure of the ingredients, and hazard thresholds

.Product Safety Auditor Resume

.Regularly updated latest reports of side effects or adverse effects (if any)

.Documentation stating product characteristics and uses as published on product packaging: full report of product characteristics and use assessment based on ingredients and test results (with name and letter of auditor’s signature)

Sampling inspection of cosmetics after listing

The post-marketing inspection and sampling of cosmetics focuses on the following products:

1. Classification

.Skin whitening products

.Partial chromium (talc) or products containing minerals

.Products for eyes and lips

.Hair color products

.Products for children or pregnant women

2. Source

.Non-ASEAN countries

.Countries with a record of non-compliant products

3. Company, brand

.Violation record data

.Unidentified company

4. Ingredients

.Harmful substances containing heavy metals, asbestos and other toxic impurities

.Certain impermissible impurities such as TEA purity must be higher than 99% (maximum DEA content 0.5%) or impurities that may interact with other components such as nitrifying agents (nitrites in water)

5. Review criteria and ingredient focus

.Whitening products: mercury, hydroquinone, hormones (placenta extract)

.Baby Powder: Heavy Metals, Asbestos (Ammonia), Microbial Limits

.Eye makeup products: heavy metals, microbial limits

.Lip Products: Banned Colorants

.Hair Coloring Products: Banned Coloring Ingredients

.Plant material: plant protection substances, residues of microorganisms

6. Check the Product Information Summary (PIF) key points

.Product ingredients

.Production water standards

.Presence of benzene

.Dioxane content in ethoxylated materials such as SLES

.Mineral oil/Vaseline/Paraffin must meet COLIPA Distillation Guidelines

.Risk of nitrosamine contamination (nitrites in water may be a source of nitrifying agents)

7. Security assessment.

.Quality related factors such as document management, GMP declaration, cleanliness, hygiene during production

.Materials were obtained using biotechnology (be aware of the risk of genetic mutation)

.Plant extracts (note the solvents used, safety assessments, plant protectants, preservatives)

8. Test location: The Drug Administration (DAV) of the Ministry of Health lists the distribution channels, and the post-market inspection and supervision of cosmetics should be concentrated in the upstream (import, distribution, production key units) and can be inspected at the following locations:

.Cosmetics shop

.Shop in mall



.Popular market

.Dermatology clinic etc.

9. The priority of post-market inspection of cosmetic products is based on product type, origin, brand, company brand and formulation ingredients







After a foreign subsidiary imports cosmetics and entrusts a distributor in Vietnam to sell it, does the distributor need a cosmetics business license? What are the respective responsibilities of foreign subsidiaries and distributors if cosmetic products have quality defects? Is it joint liability? Or can the responsibility of the foreign subsidiary be regulated?

Evershine RD:




2. 通过电话、传真、电子邮件或书面形式尽快通知管理局致命或危及生命的严重不良事件,最晚不迟于获知后的 7 个日曆日。

3. 产品不良反应报告(按规定格式)必须在第2点所述严重副作用通知主管​​部门之日起 8 个工作日内完成,并提供主管部门要求的任何资料。

4. 立即通知主管当局产品的任何严重但不危及生命或致命的副作用。

5. 使用化妆品不良事件报告表尽快向当局报告所有其他非致命或危及生命的严重不良事件,不迟于知道后的 15 个日曆日。


No business license is required. Cosmetics must be sold with a cosmetic receipt number (product license).

Cosmetics receipt number holders must comply with

1. Ensure that the technical and safety information of the product is readily available to the relevant regulatory agencies, and keep product distribution records for product recalls.

2. Notify the Authority of a fatal or life-threatening serious adverse event by telephone, fax, e-mail, or in writing as soon as possible, but no later than 7 calendar days after becoming known.

3. The product adverse reaction report (in the prescribed format) must be completed within 8 working days from the date of notification of the serious side effect mentioned in point 2 to the competent authority, and provide any information requested by the competent authority.

4. Immediately notify the competent authorities of any serious but not life-threatening or fatal side effects of the product.

5. Report all other non-fatal or life-threatening serious adverse events to the authorities as soon as possible using the Cosmetic Adverse Event Reporting Form, but no later than 15 calendar days after they become known.

6. It is the responsibility to ensure that the product information is correct and true, the responsibility to ensure that each batch of products meets all legal requirements, and to declare all the standards and specifications of the product to the authorities.







联络人:苏 玉 燕 副总经理
skype: rachelsu8
wechat: r0928486835
电话:+886-2-2717-0515 分机:104
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